Friday, July 14, 2017

Lolita 52 Challenge Week 1

Since I wanted some fun topics to think about, I decided to do F Yeah Lolita's 52 Lolita Challenge!  It was posted about 4 1/2 years ago, in the beginning of 2013, so I'm way late to the party, but I wanted to do it anyway!  Here is a link to the challenge:

52 Lolita Challenge

I am going to be tackling these in order.  Unluckily for me, one of the hardest for me is the 2nd week's prompt, but for now, my first prompt is:

5 pieces that every Lolita wardrobe should have, regardless of style

For this prompt, it wasn't hard for me to think of ideas, though it was somewhat hard to narrow it down to only 5.  The things I chose were things I really wished I'd had sooner or things I was super glad I had that were just as important as my coord itself.

One caveat...though my selections are valid regardless of style, they are dependent on climate!  I would say this post is directed toward a wardrobe that exists in a place where there are 4 seasons...and where 3 of those seasons are practically winter.

1.  A heavy winter coat

Not having one of these is something I'm guilty of, and I think about it every time I purchase something that ISN'T a heavy winter coat.  For this year's December ILD, I was so embarrassed by how I didn't have a suitable coat.  I had to wear my normie dress coat, which is a lovely deep purple wool pea coat, but it did not match my coord or the Lolita aesthetic at all.   If you want to wear Lolita out regularly, or even just to a couple meets, this is an absolute necessity, more important than another main piece, even though it will likely be the cost of one.

2.  Lighter coats

ANOTHER coat?!  Yeah, that's just how important this is if you live in a frigid climate and want to actually go to meets and look put together!  The image shows a couple that I have, though I need to get a black one so that I can possibly wear a Halloween coord out!  Last year for my comm's Halloween meet, I stressed for weeks about what coat I would wear, because I did not have a single Loliable jacket at the time.  We ended up having unseasonally warm weather and I thankfully ended up not even needing one, but I was able to attend Tekko confidently because I had the right outerwear.

3.  Hoop Skirt

A hoop skirt is essential for 2 reasons: first, it's so much more comfortable in hot weather than a petticoat.  I can't imagine being a Southern Lolita without one!  Second, it doesn't lose its poof, so it can always be a reliable option.  One downside of a hoop skirt is that it won't provide warmth in winter.

4.  Chiffon Crop Tops

If numbers 1 and 2 were for Fall through Spring, this one is for Summer!  With one of these, you will have no excuse to not wear a blouse in Summer.  Wearing one of these adds almost no bulk, and looks a million times better than wearing a JSK blouseless.  Taobao brands usually release these in the Spring.

5.  A rain-suitable umbrella or parasol

Here's another one for practicality.  I used to dread going to a meet or con with rain, because I did not want to pull out a normie umbrella that would drag down the rest of my look.  The pictured umbrella from Totes has a ruffle hem and was only $20, and is made for rain just like any other umbrella.  Of course, there are gorgeous options made by Lolita brands as well, but they are much more expensive.

For anyone starting a Lolita wardrobe, I would highly recommend getting the items above that match the season when you will be wearing your first coord.  These are things that could make or break whether you show up at your first meet or con looking fully put together, or like a beginning.  Of course, there's nothing wrong with looking like a beginner if you are one, but eventually you will want these things for practicality, even if they aren't as much fun as JSKs, skirts, and blouses!

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