Friday, April 14, 2017

1 Dress, 8 Coords: Bodyline l365 JSK

I have been wanting to do coord posts for awhile, where I show 1 dress, and several different ways it can be worn.  My goal was to show 5 outfits per dress...but for this first one, it turned into 8!  I chose a very basic and versatile dress, Bodyline's l365 jsk in sax.  As of this writing, this dress is still available from Bodyline for $13.33.  For each outfit, I will do a rundown of what it consists of, and explain one or two "style points" for that outfit.  Also, you can see part of another coord I'm working on in all of the pics on the right just ignore that!  Let's begin....

1.  The Most Basic of Basics

Headbow and shoes:  Bodyline
Blouse and tights:  taobao (sold on multiple resellers, not sure of the brand)
Bag: Loris (taobao)
Earrings: H&M
Bracelet: handmade

Style Point:  I wanted to start with the most basic coord possible.  This is what a beginner might want to put together for this dress, or someone who just doesn't have alot of time to get dressed that day!  The tights shown are made of white lace, and the earrings are small bow studs.  All of my bracelets are handmade since my wrists are pretty small, and they are easy and fun to make too.

2.  Casual Lolita

Headband: Claire's
Socks: Bodyline
Cutsew: DreamV
Bag: ThinkGeek
Shoes: Boscov's, shoe clips from defunct Amazon seller
Earrings: H&M
Bracelet: handmade

Style Point:  Since this dress is so inexpensive, I thought it would be great to wear it casually.  I paired it with other things that would be more approachable to normies, like comfortable shoes that can be worn all day and a purse from ThinkGeek.  Most of these items could be daily wear for a variety of styles.

3.  Pink and Blue

Blouse:  Anne House
Socks: MuFish (taobao)
Shoes: Bodyline
Earrings and Parasol: Lolita Collective
Headbow and bracelets: handmade

Style Point:  This is actually my favorite way to coord this dress!  I love it with pink, and would have liked to show it with a pink purse, but I don't have one so I showed it with a parasol instead!

4.  Colors and Patterns

Cutsew, socks, shoes: Bodyline
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Earrings: Haenuli (also sold by other resellers)
Bag: Loris (taobao)
Bracelets: handmade

Style Point:  I wanted to introduce a touch of purple and some kind of pattern to this outfit, so I added an Angelic Pretty headbow with white, pink, and purple bows and socks with a pattern to accomplish that.  I also went with a cutsew that has more detail.  I would like to try actually wearing this outfit sometime to see how it looks on!

5.  Summer Heat

Bolero: DreamV
Bows: Lolita Collective
Earrings: H&M
Socks: ebay children's socks (lol)
Shoes: Bodyline
Bag: Loris (taobao)
Bracelets: handmade

Style Point:  I wanted to create an outfit that could be worn and still count as Lolita on a hot summer's day.  The frilly ankle socks contribute to that idea, and the bolero gives the feeling that it could always be taken off if it just gets too hot.  I was envisioning hair in pigtails with the bows to keep it off my neck.  The earrings are white heart studs.

6.  Oldschool FTW

Headdress, socks, shoes: Bodyline
Blouse: Anna House
Bag: Loris (taobao)
Earrings: H&M

Style Point:  I love oldschool Lolita.  I have a rectangle headdress that matches this dress and I just had to use it, so I paired with a couple other things that might be seen in an oldschool coord, like frilly knee socks and the closest blouse I have to oldschool (it's not quite there, but close enough).

7.  All Blue

Bow, socks, shoes, blouse: Bodyline
Bag: Loris (taobao)
Earrings: H&M
Bracelets; handmade

Style Point:  So, we have shiro and kuro Lolita, so why not ao (blue) Lolita?  This coord needs a blue bag to complete the look, but since I don't have one, I showed it with the same white purse I usually use (same with the earrings).  I'm not sure I would actually recommend wearing this outfit since the blue is awfully overbearing, but I wanted to do it just for fun!  For the bow, I used an extra detachable bow from the dress and put it on a headband, to make sure the blues matched.

8.  Tea Party

Blouse: Lady Sloth
Headdress: Cutie Creator (taobao)
Socks, bag: Innocent World
Earrings: H&M
Bracelets: handmade
Shoes: Bodyline

Style Point:  You have a big tea party to go to, and you've decided on this dress.  You go for some brand from Innocent World to impress the brand whores, and a blouse from Lady Sloth that costs several times what the dress did.  White rose stud earrings and a beautiful matching headdress from Cutie Creator add that extra flare.  With your trusty Bodyline shoes (complete with Dr. Sholl's inserts lol), you know you be comfortable and stylish.

Alright, and that's it, folks!  I want to do more of these, so I'm currently brainstorming how I can make the photos better, and deciding on what dress to do next!  Creating this post definitely helped me realize what is lacking in my wardrobe.  For these particular outfits, that was definitely pink and blue purses, and more blue earrings.  It's hard for me to justify buying a whole lot of purses when I actually go out in Lolita so rarely, but maybe I could add a couple to my next taobao haul.  Any other suggestions?  Leave a comment!


  1. That's really cool the different ways you coorded that.

    1. Thanks! Making this post was so much fun and I can't wait to do more.
